I am glad cos the Doctor I admire (actually the whole clinic admire him lor) a very nice guy.. Derek Koh.. he written more then Happy Birthday on it.. hohohoho (so Pai seh..*shy* worn jiun no need to be jealous la.. told u he like me liao lor.. always talk to me hehehe..)
This is a pic of Mr Nice guy..

Cute right.. hehe
This is the things he wrote...

In case ur cannot see wat he write.. this is wat it says...
Hi April :)
Here's wishing you a meaningful birthday and a ... good year ahead? (<-- y he write like that he hinting i having a good yr ahead with him??? hehehe *drooling*)
The black hair with blue streaks look nice or has it changed again?
Best Wishes again
Derek Koh
hohoho sounds like love letter.. hehehee...
ok then someone saw wat he write and out of jealousy draw curvy arrow on my card...
and she added "so jealous :(" as ur can see...
And Dr Andrew Wee (I call him wee wee.. haha.. ) drew me a dog! so cute!
and as usual he will mention dun smoke la... dun sleep in the hot sun la.. dun sleep among air-con compressor la..dun eat fried food la.. i realise that he never mention any "Happy Birthday" stuff to me.. and never write happy birthday also... he think this is a lecture card is it.. liew...
Oh think i will show ur Dr Wee pic also.. hehe... looks like Mr Bean right? haha..