This is gonna be a long blog.. u can rest half way through before reading all.. haha...
Centre Point Petchburi.. located at Petchburi Soi sip ha (15).. just at Partunam.. a very nice service apartment... I love it! the best place I ever stay! so spacious, nice view and good location!
This is the bed area...
Even the toilet is spacious! but i forgotten to take a pic...shit!
The housekeeper will sweep and MOP! the whole room everyday! so clean! and wash all the utensil we used...
This is the view from our room.. this is the balcony...
The housekeeper will sweep and MOP! the whole room everyday! so clean! and wash all the utensil we used...
This is the view from our room.. this is the balcony...
1st day (Thursday)
We reached Bangkok at around 8pm Bangkok time.. which is Singapore time 9pm... R.T pick us up at the airport and send us to our service apartment... The place is really nice... and the sercurity is very good too... after that we head for suan lum for dinner and some drinks... after that we head back to our apartment cos we r all tired and R.T need to rest cos he gonna work the next day... Nana ask me if I ever meet any frens during vacations.. I tell her I never... she say mostly she will meet someone she knows.. and suprisily the next day we meet her polymates.. who is juz living at the unit opposit us!! shocking!! hahaha...
2nd day (Friday)
Rise and shine.. I am sleeping very close to Nana.. y? cos she STEALS my BLANKET! the whole night she keep pulling the blanket and the more she pull... the lower and closer I sleep towards her! hahahaha.... I tell her if she pulls my blanket tonight I am gonna hug her to sleep... hahahaha....
we had our first breakfast in Center Point.. the food was great compare to the others I eaten before...
After breakfast we go Partunam market to SHOP! think we only shop for 2 or three hours and we bought quite a lot of stuff... R.T meeting us at our apartment at around 3pm so we bought the famous and nice wanton mee back for the three of us.. imagine the three of us we eat six packets! wow.. haha.. but R.T worst.. he eat two packet of noodle another bowl of wanton soup and 2 bottle of pepsi all at one go..... kekekek... at least I and Nana rested awhile before eating the other packet... We rested for awhile before going to MBK... we bought shoes and some food stuff before going back... and this R.T is so stupid.. he is really a PIG HEAD! he know the road cannot turn left he purposely turn and kanna a summon from the TP... hahaha...
So we treat him to Burger King which is juz near our apartment... we bought the food back and eat in... after dinner we chat for awhile before R.T goes back... cos later at around 3am I and Nana are going to the White Dragon Temple near Pattaya...
This crazy woman ask me to lay out our stuff that we bought to take a pic... haha...
This is wat I bought today... the red tiny dress is Shannen's.. for her to wear on Chinese New Year.. its soooo cute... I think I bought a lot of clothes for her....

3rd (Saturday)
Riiinnngggg! the alarm sounded.. *yawn* so tired.. we slept at around 1am and now is 2 plus in the morning.. we need to prepare to go to the White Dragon Temple... its a 2 hours ride from where we are staying... we need to wear all white to go there... after washing up.. we go down to meet our driver.... not R.T cos he is a lazy fat bum who dun wan to send us there.. haha... so we cater a mini van.... the ride was smooth and fast cos there is no traffic.. (who wan to wake in the middle of the night to drive?????) by the time we reach there its 5am in the morning... there r other cars and mini van queuing already! we rest in the van till around six... then the gate of the temple open... we go in and have our breakfast... the food was simple but nice... :9 (we missed our breakfast in Centre Point... so sad.. ) after breakfast we got our queue number Nana 29 I 30... the White Dragon only sees 100 people everyday... I thought he will start seeing around seven.. so I decided to take a nap on the chair... Nana wake me up and say its starting... I look at my watch... 8AM!! i slept for one and half hours... I thought I only slept for awhile.. haha.. I ask Nana she got sleep a not.. she say never... she thinks its not nice to sleep in temple... bla~ I think its not nice if I am tired and I never sleep... muahahaha...
One by one the White Dragon sees them.. the White Dragon is a old man who looks very kind.... then its Nana's turn... then its me... This White Dragon also very farnee.. ask me wat I and Nana wan to ask but never answer our questions at all! I say I wan to know about my health and love life... He juz happily say wat he wan to say... he ask me not to scold people in my heart.. if wan to scold juz scold out... hehehe...(so next time I scold people Dun need to see time liao.. hahah...) he ask me not to be so petty.. (Yes.. I think the older I am the more petty I become.. ha...) he say i and Nana treats our fren very good.... and says that we will be very good frens... kekekeke... (will Nana fall in love with me?? hahahah)
After seeing the White Dragon we had some food (different food... the service so good..) and the food is nice... :9
we took some pictures before we left...
Do we look like those Vietnam woman who wans to look for a Singapore husband?? hahaha

This is one of the pic.. where he looks farnee.. hahaha..

We had dinner at Chinatown... we ordered two bowl of birdnest.. two claypot of sharkfin... a plate of albalone and a plate of crab fried rice... the food was so nice.. especally the albalone :9... I eat shark fin till I wan to puke! hahahaa... after the food R.T drop us at Pat Phong.. cos Nana wan to see the boy show.. kekeke.. We walk around Pat Phong a lot of times cos I cannot really remember which alley is Jupiter ( the boy or gay pub...) while looking for the place a lot of man keep pestering Nana.. "sex show sex show?" "SM show SM show?" "Boy show boy show?" "sex DVD sex DVD?" hahaha.. the only one who pester me is "How old r u? how old r u?" kekeke... in the end we decided to call Babe.. cos he frequent there.. and he gave us a very good direction of the place....
When we enter Jupiter... wow..a lot of people lor... they having sex show! two man showering and having sex.. hahaha.. by the time we settle down Nana missed the sex how.. kekkee.. then coming up.. guys who wear robe come out one by one.. robe.. as in bathing robe... nothing else... then they flash! wow... all of them the dick is big and hard lor.. haha... then they juz walk around the stage showing off their dicky.. kekeke... no wonder Babe like to go there so much.. hahaha.. there is a lot of nice looking man lor.. some r very young only.. maybe less then 24... then there is the guys standing on stage with only underwear with number tags... we find them a bit pitiful lor... but maybe they like to "song" we also dun know.. :p then there is this two guy on stage keep wanting us to call them.. kinda weird.. actually we wanted to go see now become like they see us.. haha.. cos not much woman there.. one hand can count all... and people r leaving cos its closing soon... now it looks like we r those on stage being choose by them.. hahaha.. then Nana feels kinda weird and wanted to leave.. (they also going to close anyway... better leave before they guys stalk us outside.. kekeke...) we head back to the apartment for the night...
Stuff we bought today...
This is wat I bought...

4th day ( Sunday )
Its Sunday! time to go weekend market! we had our breakfast and headed for the BTS to Mo Chit where Chatuchak is... a lot of people and a lot of things... we bought a lot of stuff.. nothing much to talk about weekend market.. wat u wan they have it there... haha...
this is my favourate.. so retro... hahahaha..

We go to central world to have out dinner...soo hungry I could eat a cow.. and I almost did... muahahahaa... we din took the food pic.. cos when it came we are so hungy.. we juz eat.. haha... Oh... and Nana dun let me eat Pepper Lunch.. kekeke...
This is the so call leftover of wat we eat.... Nana never finish the rice she only eat half of it... I finished the rice with only a mouthful left.. she finished her noodle so did I.. and I finished eight pieces of salmon maki! hahahaa...

R.T is busy today so he never meet us...
Things we bought today...
This is wat I bought...

5th day (Monday)
Wakie wakie... fifth day so call the almost last day... we decided to go Partunam after breakfast... Nana say wan to go to the aircon side.. kekeke.. we shop for some clothes there and we saw the bra shop... so cheap! each only cost 100 baht... other then some of the selected items... we bought a lot of bra... but we haven found anything nice for Dionna to sell... after that R.T call us to meet us at Esplanade cos I keep bugging him to bring me there for the Jap food the last time he brought me.. we head back to put our stuff and took a cab to Esplanade.. R.T is so clever he knows it cost around only 60 baht to go there... in the cab the driver is trying to repeat after me Esplanade... he say Escada at first so farnee.... when we reach R.T is not there yet... we took some self pics...
we had dinner and then R.T sent us back.. he rested awhile and we took some of his sleeping pic.. cos this evil man (PIG HEAD!!!) deleted one of the pic I took with him when I show him the pic...
Its payback time! Sleep during work.. hahaha...

Nana also took a pic with him... u see.. all his expression the same one... hahaha..

After massage we go back to touch up and head for Ratchada Soi Si (4)... meeting Aom and his fren for some drinks... while drinking Nana has this crazy idea to go hug a guy we dun know.. so I say ok... lets do it... she walk to the dance floor and hugged a guy there... after that she come back and insist I go hug someone who I dun know... so I was looking around and din find anyone I wanted to hug other then Aom.. kekeke.. but I did as I was told and decided to hug the guy who is sitting beside her... after hugging him this stupid Nana say its not counted!! Y!!! Y not counted???? I dun even know him at all?? and the place is too noisy I can't really hear wat she say and she keep pointing the dance floor.. so I walk to the guy she hugged before and hug him too.. muahahaah... but when I go back she say "Nonono.. I hugged him before already so not counted..." then I tell her I already hugged the guy beside her wat... then I dun know wat she say other than.. "cannot not counted... nonono .." then I decided to ignore her cos I think she drink too much.. haha... anyway the guy I hugged beside her started to talk to Nana.. hahah... and the best part is he keep talking to her in Thai.. hahaha.. and she dun understand wat the fuck he talking.. neither do I... kekeke... so I decided to tell him in Thai not to speak to us in Thai cos we dun understand... kakaka... and I go to Aom and wanted to talk to him he asked me to go away.. hahaha.. he is jealous I hugged other guys there... so I tell him we are only playing a game... then he is ok... phew~ we left the place around two plus... I think.... and rest for the night...
The things I bought today...

The things Nana bought today...

6th day (Tuesday)
I try so hard.. so very hard.. I try for like four to five times... at last I succeed!!!
At last Nana waken from her abbys... she is so difficult to wake!~ so we miss our breakfast again... and with a hangover.. bla~~~~ we pack our stuff and stay in till 12 noon.. we checked out and go to Partunam for my favourate wanton mee...
When R.T reached he was like so shocked.. haha.. say we crazy buy so many stuff.. I force him to send us to a temple... cos I wan to have a blessed pendant.... the pass few days I have been bugging him.. but he keep saying the Hindu temple ( cos I wanted a four face buddha) is always jam.. so he dun wan to go.. but he say he will bring us to a buddish temple.. the temple was very nice and grand... but we got no time to take pictures cos stupid pig head need to rush to a funeral wake... so he drop us off at the airport after the temple... we waited at the airport for around 2 hours then we checked in... our baggage weights 73kg!! Oh my god! fucking heavy lor.. hahahaa... our limit suppose to be 30kg only.. and they wan to charge us 275 baht per kg... but in the end they give us a offer of 25kg... so we have to pay 6000 over baht for 25 kg excess bagage... haizzz... haha... we had dinner inside the airport.. and the plane was delay for 40 mins... when we reached Singapore it was like 12.30am.. I am sooo tired... but I enjoyed the whole trip... kekeke... hope to go back soon... ;)