Its been a long time since I have this kinda feelings... just like going back to Secondary School days.. haha... Its always nice to have someone to be with.. be there for you either to irritate you or just to make you happy... but how long will it last I dun know.... althought I will be sad when its gone but i will be happy that it ever came by... somethings is hard to control.. you will just have to go with the flow... Friends come and go... there is always a few who stick by you.. those are people who I love and appreciate.. so since I am writing this blog.. I would like to tell them some of the things I think...
I love your for what you are.. though people will change.. but I still love your as who ur are.. and I hope your feel the same too.. I am sorry if I ever hurt ur.. but ur should know I din do it intentionally... and I know ur dun do it on intention to me too... When I dun have the time for ur I know ur dun mind... I do mind a little when ur dun have the time for me... :p (cos I am lonely remember?? hahaha)
Just to let your know frens and family are more important in my life then any others.. Ur may be suprise but frens come before my family... other then when I was small and sickly..( which I still am.. kakaka..) my family took good care of me.. once I reach teen.. I never rely on my family for support or help...
its always frens who give me all the support and help that I need... I am really very lucky to have frens who is supportive and stand by me when I am in need... I really do love ur all and hope that ur feel the same too... along the way I walk I have picked up a lot of goodies.. Diamond, gold, ruby, saphire... I am getting richer along the way.. cos ur make me so... Ur are my riches a part of me... When I am gone I hope to be a part of u...