Trust or not to trust?? I think this is a lot of things that a lot of us have been thinking..
Went to kopi with friends tonight.. we talked about this topic.. to trust or not to trust? One of my friend Ken said that he used to have a girlfriend who don't like him to go out with girls even those girls that are very long time friends... Why is that so? I think just simply his girlfriend don't trust him.. I am having the same problem too.. What is a relationship if there is no trust at all.. If everytime you go out, your partner will start questioning and start to quarrell over things that is not happening is there any meaning at all.. I mean is there really no pure friendship between a guy and a gal??? Can't two friends of the opposit sex just go out to relax, talk, shop or catch up with the old days??? I asked Ken is he also like that? If his girlfriend goes out with another guy is he ok with it? He said yes.. He said there should be trust.. there is no use being suspicious.. cos if the girl really wan to do anything funny (if she want to be f*cked).. she can do it anytime and just lied about it.. so should actually just trust each other.. I think its really true.. there is no use pondering over things that you don't know and make your own life miserable.. I mean if it happen.. it just happen.. what for think so much??? And if one does something wrong does it mean that person don't deserve to be trusted again?? Is there a second chance?? I think its natural that once you did something wrong most likely you will not be given a second chance.. it's human instinct.. Once bitten twice shy... TRUST.. a very big word.. But who in the world can really do it..?? Not a lot I think...
To trust or not to trust.. To be or not to be...