Ok lets start from my clinic executive first...

Lee Worn Jiun aka Miss Vain Pot that is what I call her... She can dress so nicely every day to work.. even my friends can't believe she dress so well to work everyday.. (maybe they compared her with my dressing?hehe) talk like a very womanly woman but actually she is a horny bitch... wahahaha... that is what I like about her.. we can bitch around together... nice friend to have as colleague also... hope to be friends too even if we go separate ways along the road...(hehehe you thought i don't have your pictures lei.. wahaha)

This is my second Clinic Executive the one sitting on the comfy chair.. (pic quite blur will try to take a new one)
I call her Nolene aka The Glutton cos she can really eat... whatever you offer her she can eat.. (of cos other then those human disposable items) You will find most of her time eating.. Surprisingly she is not fat at all??!!! Where does all the food goes???!! It is either she got worms or her bowel power very good! She always sound so naive and innocent.. I wonder if she really is a virgin???!!! hehehee...
Now the PSAs

The two old woman of our clinic.. the historical personal of MPP think they wasted 30 over years serving the republic of MP.. (feel so sad for them..)
The one on the left is Aton aka Mummy.. She is a noisy old woman who nags all day.. even when she is alone she can talk to herself.. how amazing right? She can even nag to herself! if there is a competition in nagging or woman who talk non stop.. I will definitely bet my whole life property on her! When she not around it will be quite obvious cos we can feel the serenity around the MRO.. At first I think she don't know me well but now she know how to approach me better.. cos she know I eat soft don't eat hard one.. wahahaa.. Cos she kanna the hard one back before.. hehe.. She is a nice lady la.. quite motherly also.. feel kinda nice with her around...
Now the one on the right... Jamilah aka Pervertive old hag... this old woman always like to throw her seniority around.. and always like to pretend to be soooo very busy (busy talking)... her action is sooo slow.. you always wonder what the hell she is doing.. she can touch someting for like 5.. nono.. 15 mins or more but nothing done... when ever talk about those sexual stuff she will be so in to it.. I think something is wrong somewhere with her.. and she can always talked like she is such a saint... puke* I think I can complain about her forever man....
Rogini Devi aka Blur Queen.. I don't have her picture but will try to get it asap... Other then blur I don't know what to say about her... sometimes she do blur stuff that is so funny.. but she is a nice person too.. in a way or another...
Liana..( the one on the right obviously... do i look like a Malay??)Don't have much things to say about her.. cos we seldom interact.. other then i cut her fringe today and tied her hair before... but rumours has it that she has a knife with her... so be careful... hehehe... she STABS! But no worries.. I am not scare of stabbing.. cos I am so adorable.. hehehe...and bo chap too.. :p

Fazlin aka Cute Blur Princess (too young to be called Queen right???!!) look at her you know she is very adorable..(just like me!) and blur too.. imagine she don't know how to go home from the work place and don't know how to come to work from her home.. she is always lost some where.. dun even know how to take the MRT... I think she just migrate here from MARS... but she is aways funny in a way or another.. can never get enough from her.. today she just electrocuted me.. haizz.. but she is also a real beauty when she puts on makeup... her lucky husband... I like her she is like a younger sister to me.. so cute...

Next in line is me!

Of cos as you can see.. I am simply adorable and vivacious.. what else... wahahahaa
I think that's all for the bitching today.. still got a lot to bitch about.. will continue some other days.. kinda tired bitching around for now.. will just lay back and watch CSI...