I was working as usual.. and this old man appear..
"hello.." after one second i looked up.. "yes.. can i help u?"(i say in mandarin la.. the whole conversation is in mandarin ..other then uncle auntie and hello..) "Y u ignore me??!!" (the stupid old man trying to find trouble.. "I never ignore u i am acknowledging u now.." "i say hello a lot of times already!" "I only heard one hello then i acknowledge u already.. anyway never mind.. (trying not to find trouble) uncle can i help u?" "Y U CALL ME UNCLE? U THOUGHT U VERY YOUNG IS IT.. U AUNTIE AR.. LAO AUNTIE AR..!!" (i was pissed!! but i try not to create any trouble..) "ok lor.. handsome how can i help u?" he was calm after hearing the word handsome.. "Is doctor Lim working today?" "She is not in today.." "Then when will she be in?" "I am not sure.. she is on leave.. uncle y not u call to check next week.." (oppsss i said the word again..) "Y U CALL ME UNCLE!! U THOUGHT U VERY YOUNG IS IT.. U AUNTIE AR.. U LAO AUNTIE!! U R SO RUDE!" (i am extremely pissed this time..cos i am trying very hard not to create trouble and he still irritate me) "y i cannot call u uncle? u at least more then 40 yrs old liao (in my heart i wanted to say more then 50 yrs old) and i am so much younger then u.. u r old enough to be my uncle liao wat!!" "U R SO RUDE U AUNTIE.. Y ABOVE 40 THEN MUST CALL UNCLE.. BLA BLA BLA... " juz then our nursing manager and CE approach him and bring him somewhere to counsel him.. ya he really need counselling.. no he must see any doctor cannot wait for doctor Lim liao.. cos he must be blind or something wrong in his head!!
Wat is wrong with people nowadays.. I am courteous enough to call him uncle and he can juz scold me for that??!!! I mean if u dun like people to call u uncle u can juz say it in a very nice way wat.. if a young boy call me auntie i will not scold him for calling me that cos i am a lot older.. the most i will juz tell him "dun call till so old la.. call me jie jie la" that old man he himself is soooo rude.. chao chee bye.. must be haven married then menopause no one to fuck then the lan jiao cannot stand liao.. so go out and anyhow fuck people with his pathetic mouth... imagine he so old till when he talk his slagging skin on his face is shaking..

uncle uncle la.. so old liao wan to act young.. act young also never mind.. so rude still say people rude.. i call him handsome i wan to puke liao ar.. dun call him uncle then call him wat.. call him ah pek ar... old until can be my father liao.. we so used to call them all uncle and aunties mah.. call sir and madam like so formal.. the more i think the more angry i am.. he is a "FUCKING KAN NI NE A CHAO CHEE BYE!!!
Two more yrs he will look like this....