This time round we decided to go Desaru with my colleagues.. althought the last time I went there isn't much stuff there but since after so long I dun mind going again.. anyway I am juz looking for a place to slack... haha... Its also my first trip with Carter... :)
At first we wanted to take the ferry there but princess koda aka baba's bf wan to drive in.. so I borrow my brother's car to drive in... (my first time as a driver to drive in to Malaysia.. so exciting!)
1st May early morning six thirty we all meet at causeway point MRT station... from there we start to drive up to JB for breakfast... after breakfast we head for Kota Tinggi first... Carter actually wanted to sleep during the drive but he decided not to cos he say.. "In front one dun really know the way.. center one reckless... behind one dun dare to step on gas... " hahaha...

we leave Kota Tinggi after awhile cos there is nothing much there and we are not going in to the water... we head straight to Desaru...
When we reached Desaru we checked in to the resort we booked.. all of them is not very happy with the resort cos its quite old and the facilities is all very errr.. dirty ba.. cos all the things that is suppose to be white is brown.. haha... (but I quite like it lei.. hehe) we walked around and decided to change to a hotel that is situated around there... we head back to get a refund of the resort... at first the man refuse to refund the full sum saying they cannot refund the deposit... then princess koda tell them we never put a deposit in the first place.. haha.. which is quite true lor.. in the end they refund the full sum to us...
We head back to the hotel and booked 3 rooms.. (actually I prefer all to stay in one room...) after going in to the room we unpacked and I notice the toilet is leaking.. the floor is very wet.. we ask the staff to fix the toilet... I decided to take a nap... my so call nap stop around 8 plus.. hahaha.. from 2 plus I sleep till 8 plus.. that is wat I call relax man... after we woke up we are so hungry.. the toilet is still leaking and we ask the staff to change a room for us.. but she get someone to fix the toilet again...

back in the room I play PSP till I fall asleep...
Next day (afternoon.. cos we sleep till around one plus.. kakaka) the toilet is not leaking anymore! but now cannot flush already.. haha.. so we insist to change room... the staff says that if we wan to change there is no other rooms available except the villa... but.. we have to pay the difference! we refuse to pay the difference and ask her why should we pay for their fault??? so they never charge the difference and change our room.. the villa was ok but quite a distance to princess koda's room...
at around 2.30pm we meet up to visit the ostrich farm... the farm got a lot of ostrich and there is 3 roaming around... very tame and cute.. but one of it was quite irritating.. keep following us around.. (so scare she peck my ears.... haha..) there is one very cute money in there too.. i pull some long grass for him and he play tug of war with me.. haha.. after the ostrich farm we head for the town for some seafood... after eating we head back to the hotel to prepare to go firefly trip...
At 7.45pm we meet at the lobby... the mini bus send us to the jetty.. a very ulu jetty at the swamp... we board the boat and the trip start.. we go around the swamp and see the firefly.. very nice... but a lot of mosquito... we went up the deck of the boat.. it is more windy there... Carter light the cigarette for me and the boat guy ask him "ur smoke?" then I tell Carter to give him a stick... after lighting the stick of cigarette the boat man talk to me.. abt firefly tell me which start is the scorpion sign... and ask where we from... after that he ask me "He ur husband?" I told him "my bf.. " then he walk away after that.. Carter start to grumble.. "why he ask u that? treat me like transparent lor.. I juz in front of him only wat.. isn't it obvious I am with u..? and I am the one who give him the cigarette lor.. why he never talk to me? why he dun ask others he ask u for wat?" Liew.. how would I know right? Aiyo.. juz casual talk mah... I tell Carter he think too much la... after the firefly trip we head back to the hotel...
Wow! our room is so warm! like sauna like that... we call the staff to check on the aircon... after a while he say he will be back... then the phone ring and the staff says the compressor spoil... they will change a room for us! wah lau~ we keep moving lor.. stay 2 night move 4 times... Carter say mas salemat also stay better then us dun have to move so many times... haha... after we change to another room (luckily juz upstairs and luckily its only a 2 night trip so the packing and unpacking not so siong ar...) we quickly check the toilet and the aircon... Phew.. luckily everything was alright... heng ar no need to move anymore... we walk over to the other side from the beach again to eat the burger... tonight the stars not as nice cos there is a lot of clouds... we borrowed a torch light from the security this time... so its easier for the walk... after the burger we go back to the room to rest.. and I play the PSP... around 2am Carter says that he is very hungry... (I tell him off cos I did ask him to buy some tidbits in the afternoon saying in case at night he is hungry.. but he simply refuse lor..) I suggest we drive out to the petrol kiosk to buy food since all the food is close in the hotel...
Before leaving the carpark Carter start to instruct me wat to do in the event if there is anyone who mug him I should juz drive and ignore him... I start to feel a bit scare cos he start to tell me stories of how people was mugged and rape.. after driving for awhile I feel that actually it seems quite save lei... before turning in to the petrol kiosk we realise the shop closed already... but since we r there might as well top up the petrol... i signal right as I saw an oncoming vehicle... the oncoming vehicle suddenly slow down and turn right in to the petrol kiosk... we turn in and start trying to fill up the tank.. we fiddle for quite a while to realise that we have to pay first before we can start filling up the tank... we let the counter guy know that we r filling full tank so will not know the actual price... he open up the kiosk from his system inside and we start filling up the tanks... all was well until suddenly the uncle who is filling up his petrol beside us suddenly tell me "ur quickly fill up the tanks already quickly leave.. cos its very dangerous around here.. " after saying he juz jump up his car and drove off... seeing his number plate we realise that he is a local.. I start to become paranoid i quickly pass Carter the money and tell him I will sit inside the car lock the doors and wait for him.. asap I jump in the car and lock the doors... hehehe.. after filling up the tank we head back to the hotel... we analise that the uncle is very bad maybe he dun wan to fill the tank but after slowing down he realise that we wan to turn in and we r singapore car plate so its save for him to fill up petrol... after turning in.. he realise we not sure how to fill the tank cos its not open.. he also dun bother to teach us so we can accompany him longer... after advising us (kan ni na lor.. actually scaring us lor...) he dun bother to wait for us.. but overall at least he nice enough to tell us la.... in the end we got no supper... after reaching the hotel I play PSP till I sleep..
Early morning... princess koda wake me from my sleep... eight plus... wah so early... we wake up wash up and go for breakfast.. (we miss the first morning breakfast... overslept lor...) after breakfast we check out and meet the rest at the fruit farm... we din go in juz look around outside...
After the fruit farm we head back JB I need to go Giant to buy some stuff for Shannen... so we said to meet there... when we reach the rest was not there so I give them a call... they dun know where is Giant so they go Carefour instead... so I and Carter shop ourself.. lucky they never goi with us... cos my ma fan father insist I find the pampers which in the first Giant is out of stock... so we go to another Giant at Pelangi... heng I found it... then we go to fill up the tanks and go to The Store to shop around.. after that we go for a meal then to car wash... (must wash clean clean so my bro will lent me the car again.. hehe..) so cheap RM7 just for the wash... and RM8 to vacume and wash... hehe... we never ask for the vacume cos its quite clean inside... the guy ask us "y no vacume?" "no need la... so clean.. " "A lot of singapore car.. clean also vacume.. " haha.. he dun know meh.. singaporean mah... sure cannot lugi wat.. since there liao and the dif is only RM1 so sure must vacume la...
after the carwash we head back to Singapore.. we jam at the custom for around one hour... and at last back home...
Your wonder why I never post any picture for the trip right? cos Carter lost his camera during the trip.. we moved too many times he forgot to keep it during one of the move... so poor thing...
Anyway I enjoy the drive during the whole trip.. it was fun.. would wan to drive in again... kakaka...
P.S. never play any sea sport cos having menses that evening when I reach Desaru.. :p