possibilities of getting married will drop to like 0.05%.. hehe.. good also la... no commitment.. can juz spent as and when I like... dun have to worry abt anyone else other then me and my parents... dun have to report to anyone.. can arrange watever program I like... I think wat I need is just frens... think frens are more important cos they will always be with me they are the one who I can really talk to (they won't be jealous or start to give out rules that u have to follow...) frens are the one that can only really understand me well..

I enjoy having small gathering and juz sit there to chat and complain... and do siao siao stuff... I think I am a really selfish kinda person when it somes to relationship... maybe its mean for me to be left alone... :) When I "bully" my BF and he give in to me I always feel guilty... like I am some big bad bully.. and he like so ke lianz like that.. which overall makes me feel bad... I feel like an evil arsehole! Why am I with someone when I will feel bad about myself every other day??? Maybe I am too demanding? Or just plain selfish?? Being alone maybe I won't feel so bad...