I took this pic during Princess
Koda birthday.. (
surprisingly she look slim in this pic... ah hem.. dun even look like her lor... look like some ang mo ger... pictures can really be very deciving at times!!! kakaka..)

If its not her birthday I will not strip to take this kinda picture... exposing myself... on the
internet.... showing my blossom... with the nice and pink suckable nipple pointing toward the camera... holding on to my blossom... looking at the camera... i am
sooo naked... so shy... so uneasy... but proud.. a bit disgusting.... but very alluring... (depend on who is watching...) if u really wan to see my seductive blossom please scroll down if not u can
juz skip this entry... (dun u wan to see me naked meh???!!!)
u sure u wan to see??? (Blush*)

Are u prepared to see my blossom? (blush*)
Here it is~~~
my fully exposed blossom for ur viewing pleasure~~ enjoy~! kakaka...

Koda with her blossom!!