Today's colour red
wah lau damn shack should have call my self shaggy.... Today wake up early morning six plus.. go to work...
Angry man!! go work see everthing stack up CCB they cannot finish everything meh.. I not around for one day then they have to stack up... two person do also cannot finish.. I am staring to feel fed up about this work liao... i one person can clear more then half of wat they stack up within half day... all the "babi".. so lazy and slow... I always the one to clear they always the one to stack everything up.. I cannot imagine tomorrow and the day after I not working will they still stack everything up??? is it time for me to go????
Struggle half day go for appointment at SGH.. hospital damn lousy man.. make me wait for the stupid doctor for one hour can't they juz keep to the appointment time and they ask us to go early somemore for wat???.. my time is 2.20pm the doc only call me around three i reach around 1.50pm.. wasting my time only... then the pharmacy lagi worst.. drop my priscription around 3.09pm and they call my number at 4.03pm.. one hour somemore.. worst of all they tell me they dun have one of the medicine ask me to go block 4 to take.. WAH LAO EI!! they should have tell me when i drop the prescription mah.. expect me to go the other side to wait again meh~ so i juz take that dumb prescription to blk 4.. once i go in i juz ask the counter guy "Do I have to queue again for this cos i have waited for one fucking hour over the other side.. if i have to queue i am not taking the medicine.." Luckly he say he will give it to me straight away.. I'll be damn if he ask me to queue again~
If u been to the A&E my god man.. you feel like u wan to die there.. imagine u really dun feel well then u go A&E right.. who will wan to spent $80 to go there if they can tahan till the next day to see polyclinic.. then they still dilly dally fuck man... thought we go there to enjoy the $80 air is it...
Going hospital is just like wasting your time away~
After wasting my time at the hospital I make my way to put my van to the agent at Tuas for servicing and of cos after fixing my rear glasses... After that I waste my time away by taking the bus and MRT back luckily Pauline call to chit chat with me so time was wasted faster... haha.. pathetic man..
Today is really a time wasting day.. I really look forward to the activities I will be having later... its also a time wasting game.. "Mahjong".. but u dun think its time wasting if u enjoy doing it..
Juz like having sex.. if u enjoy doing it u will not think that doing it waste your time.. but if u do it with the wrong person... "Man~ do I have to do that again??!!!" hahahahah...
Got to go rest first.. so i got energy for later... today is a hot day man...