Today Colour Black
Wake up around 11 plus... on the pc and see Dionna online chat with her liao jio me to go Orchard.. then Jo also jio me go suntec... so i jio Jo to Orchard too... and both volunteer to fetch me.. some good frenz man~
Reach Orchard to have breakfast cum lunch at mos burger.. after that we head to Lucky Plaza to buy some stuff..
Mahjong tonight is bad.. all the cards are like shit man... CCB all 258 369 or 147... ke lian siaz~ feel like sleeping through the whole game... sometime cards nice no people throw or while calling other people "gao" KNN.... lost abt $130... juz wan to end the day..
So I think i better sleep early tonight.. and its really early now... 4.45am
Bad day nothing much to mention abt~