After the lunch we head straight to ROM. We are the first to reach there even the bride and groom also not there yet... so while waiting we took some photos and gossip about other couples.. hohoho..
As usual Jo looks like an ah lian.. hohoho.. (Oppsss.. she is wat.. hohohoho.. we all are.. kekeke..)
Dionna, Jo and Nana..
David looks like he is one getting married.. hohhoo..
And then comes the Bride & Groom...
Chermaine & Carol..
Its time to go in and sign the bonding papers.. haha.. there was a lot of people.. we pratically suqeeze in to the room.. a bit like u go clubing and its full house like that.. plus the room is a bit small.. last time it was bigger.. maybe due to the renovation..
Max & Cher looks pai seh and gan jiong..
She look so pretty.. her make up was nice.. not too much..
And here goes.. the signing of the paper..
And it was signed.. the no turning back paper.. muahahaha.. its a dead end for her no more turning back.. but its a start of another kind of relationship.. 加油噢!
They look so happy holding the $26 paper.. so happy for her..
After that we did some photo taking.. not with my camera but will post it when i have them..
After photo taking we go for 点心at Chinatown..
And Jo says that the 点心at 黑社会is nicer.. she tell nic the cha shao bao is so much nicer.. and she give this kinda expression.. (all she wan to eat is cha shao bao.. think she ate 4?)
And I took a pic with my 19 Years old "boyfriend".. hehehe..
After eating Chermaine suggest we go Bala to have a drink.. when we at the carpark David start to irritate us with the 881 songs.. I think the video cannot really hear the song but can hear him laugh.. hahaha..
We saw a lady very badly dressed at Bala when we are smoking outside.. hohoho.. imagine yellow dress and bag with green boots!!! What the hell she thinking???!!!
Oh and 阿同 , Max's fren (who spoil Nic's camera) never appear.. we are wondering if he scare to see Nic.. hohohho... who may fuck him upside down.. hohohoho...