Dionna with nice attire..
Me with ugly attire...
After golfing i bring poor lighter to roller blade.. (poor lighter wait for me in the van for 2 hrs.. 可怜的莱德。。。
She was so happy when we start blading.. she is still so strong despite of her age.. pulling me along.. so i think she exercised more then me.. hahha... but i did carry her along the way.. cos i scare she over exercised.. then as usual.. she dun like to touch those metal drain cover.. she jumped over every one of it... 真可爱。。。
Lighter resting after two big rounds around Punggol Park...(the water at the side is not her pee ok.. its juz water..) after resting we go for another three rounds..
after a whole night of exercise me and lighter were really tired.. we so long never exercise and she is so happy to run again.. must bring her go blading more often.. i think she really like running.. hee.. we can expect our muscle to ache tomorrow.. hahaha..