Sorry for not blogging recently.. getting tired easily so never blog... always soo tired.. now i also yawning while i blogging this...
Halloween night... this year we did something special.. no drinking no clubbing... this year we go BBQ at punggol.. haha.. ok la.. cos we are not prepared to go club also... never rent costume also... Anyway this BBQ was great.. the food was nice... a lot of variety also...
These are the food that is going to be BBQed...
This is the BBQ area...
This is the grilling area...
We even got Shabu shabu~~
I caught Diana enjoying her "ba tiao" (肉条)... hohohoo...
Hmmmm.. so big... I wonder if i kizz it wat will happen...
Maybe I juz need to suck and lick it...

Nah... I think i juz bite it la...
I found some of the stuff I got from my company dinner and dance.. so I force Nic to wear it... and her son too...
缳猪格格。。。 哈哈哈。。

Cat woman pee pee... " Na Bei Chao Chee Bye..!! Cannot see I "pang dio" ar.. see wat see..! Later I scratch u!"
They are all very hardworking that night.. me as usual wait for the food only lor.. hohoho...
My 19 years old boyfriend is there too... hehe... (*shy*)
The night ended quite well... we have some gers talk also for quite awhile... actually go BBQ also not bad wat.. (provided u dun have to do all the work.. muahahaha...)