Went to watch Linkin Park concert with Chermaine and my ninteen year old boy friend.. supposingly should be Max that go with us one..( I suppose to be the light bulb but now look whose the light bulb now.. haha..) but last min he got things to do so he sent my ninteen year old boy friend to go instead.. hehe... I enjoyed the whole concert although it only lasted for around one and half hour..( if longer will be even better.. so shiok!) kinda short compair to those asian singer concert... the next time Linkin Park comes I will go watch again.. this time I will buy the more expensive tickets... and I make sure I go sistic to queue to buy instead of buying online... so that I can choose the seats I prefer...!!(Luckily our seats are not so bad...)
People coming in to the concert...
The concert starts...
Me and my ninteen year old boyfriend... hee..
People coming in to the concert...
